Choosing the right paint can make all the difference in your project. We offer a wide variety of paints with multiple use, which can be applied on walls, floors, terraces, pools and generally all those surfaces that you want to impart a total water repellency and waterproofing.

Mitguaina is a two-component CEMENT ELASTICÂ MEMBRANE for waterproofing. MITGUAINA is an integrated system consisting of an emulsion liquid elastomer technology (Part A) which must be combined with a mineral Binder in cement powder (Part B).

Excellent quality quartz plaster scratched effect decorative coating of Interior and exterior walls. Synthetic resin plaster containing granules of marble, quartz sands of different screening. For coatings with high abrasion resistance, hard and resistant to smog.

Extra-washable water based paint with super covering characteristics and made from fine pigments.
This product has an excellent resistance to atmospheric agents; so ideal to cover both internal and external surfaces of high quality. Plus renewal of emulsion paint surfaces of any kind and is resistant to rubbing .

Water based paint formulated with special acrylic resins that guarantee a high grade of paint.Â
Pigments and fillers with high resistance to chalking. To obtain a first class paint for outer and inner walls resistant to dirt, smog, rubbing, wet and washable. For outdoor painting resists most difficult climatic conditions and even on alkaline substrates such as concrete.

Max-elastic is a two-component mortar based on cementitious binders, fine-grained selected aggregates, special admixtures and synthetic polymers dispersed in water, blended according.
When the two components are mixed together, a free-flowing mix is obtained which may be easily applied, even on vertical surfaces, at a thickness of up to 2 mm in one single coat.
Due to the high content and quality of the synthetic resins, the cured layer of Max-elastic remains constantly flexible
under all environmental conditions and resistant to the chemical attack of de-icing salts, sulphates, chlorides and carbon dioxide.
Max-elastic has excellent bonding properties to all concrete, masonry, ceramic and marble surfaces, as long as they are sound and sufficiently clean.

Breathable water-based paint with very  good  coverage, breathable, not chalky, for interior use only.
Ideal where one has a remarkable high rate of Humidity like Bathrooms & Kitchens because it avoids Condensation

Special resin paint, flour of quartz and highly stable pigments to light to U.V. painting plaster. The coating obtained with IdroQuarz and characterized by water repellent power, elasticity and hardness and abrasion resistant, all moisture, alkalis and atmospheric agents and supplies to support the need perspiration.
For its peculiar characteristics Idroquarz is  recommended especially as final treatment of exposed concrete as a uniformity of color and protection to the iron content. And also suitable for all masonry supports giving some advantages against other colored finishes as easy to apply and restructuring  where over time you need only to patch at points of actual needs

High Quality Washable water paint with good coverage- Anti mold  action paint , to be used  in those areas subject to the formulation of mold due to the condensation of water vapor. And therefore ideal for painting walls where it is required a high degree of cleaning and hygiene such as kitchens, hospitals, butchers, food factories etc

Washable water paint with optimal  coverage and HIGH in FINE PIGMENTS. This product is characterized by a high resistance to weathering. Suitable for finishing interior walls of houses, kinder gardens and schools due to its high washable characteristic. Can be used outdoors when you want a smooth finish is desired.

Opaque water-based paint with high coverage, breathable, not chalky, for interior use only;
Ideal for painting ceilings, soffits and rooms where it is not required resistance to washing.
It is a product consisting of versatile emulsion having noble pigments thus making it highly resistant to UV light and alkaline action.

Styrene-acrylic resin-based product that you select to give the film an excellent adherence and resistant to walk on. Suitable for dry and clean surfaces.

Special plaster for finishing walls and wood. Terpolimeriche emulsions based inert pigments, fillers, facilitated application by spatula.  Compatible with water-based paints, paints and varnishes, sealers and primers.

Although the technical details and recommendations contained in this product data sheet correspond to the best of our knowledge and experience, all the above information must, in every case, be taken as merely indicative and subject to confirmation after long-term practical application; for this reason, anyone who intends to use the product must ensure beforehand that it is suitable for the envisaged application. In every case, the user alone is fully responsible for any consequences deriving from the use of the product.